Bright Lights, Big City

There is nothing more fun than traveling with your people. Whoever your people are, your spouse, your family, or your life long friends. But they are the people who really get you and you feel most comfortable with. I definitely find that I have trouble traveling with certain types of people. I need some space to wind down. I have my own likes and interests and want to venture off at times from a group. I love traveling with my husband. He is my favorite travel partner and we really know each other’s likes and dislikes. We don’t worry about about splitting up or saying no to each other’s ideas. We also both like to get up early and get out to see things. We also like naps so we can reenergize for the afternoon/evening.


When I went to New York in March, I went with my BFF, who I have known for twenty four years. Wow. That’s crazy now that I write that out. We also went with our friend Jen, who moved next door to my BFF after I moved out to live in Southern California. This isn’t the first time the three of us have traveled together, but it’s been awhile since we went to Vegas together. A long while. Back then our kids were all small, now they are teenagers and adults.

New York, New York

Sometimes travel falls into your lap. At least this year it is for me. Kristin had a conference in New York and insisted I join her and Jen. I used miles for one flight and booked American for the other. I had never been to New York and part of the reason is the cost. The other is the distance. It’s hard to do a quick weekend trip when the travel sucks up so much time. I left on a Thursday and came back Monday, so I could enjoy myself. It also helps the search for award flights and prices when you aren’t traveling on peak days.

We packed a lot into our weekend. A broadway play. The statue of liberty. The Highline. So much food. The Russian Tea Room. But we also talked about our lives and where we’ve come. We laughed until we cried. We ate cupcakes in bed. And we walked until our feet hurt. These are definitely my people.


3 thoughts on “Bright Lights, Big City

  1. Looks like quite the trip đŸ™‚ Feels like home — I haven’t done NYC properly with my family yet — but that day is coming.

    And I love any trip where naps can be built in so that early start/late night are not mutually exclusive targets.

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